It’s here. The club for aviation photographers and it's only £40 per year.

Free Gifts

A unique branded high-vis vest, patches and unique items.

Private Facebook Group

'The Touchdown Hangar' group will be the place where we can chat about photography, editing and events.


We have organized member discounts with various aviation companies and museums.

Club App

We will communicate everything through the app as push messages. Don't worry we wont spam you. (you must have a smart phone)

Exclusive Offers

There will be exclusive offers and access which will only be offered to members of the club.

Annual Get Together

Each year members will be able to get together at an aviation themed venue to eat, drink, and talk aircraft.

How does it work?

  • You will receive a Touchdown Club branded HiViz vest and branded gift when you join as well as an invite to download the club App to your smartphone. This is where you will find out about new events, exclusive opportunities, and new discounts.
  • When you have purchased eight photography events, your ninth will be free (up to £40).
  • There will be at least one get together each year at an aviation venue.
  • Private club Facebook group called The Touchdown Hangar.
  • Club Terms and conditions can be found at the end of the Threshold Terms and Conditions, link at bottom of page.
Club Rules


The list below details the discounts we have secured for our members

The Aviation Bookshop

A discount on purchases at the Tunbridge Wells shop and at events.


A discount in their online shop at

The Army Flying Museum

A discount on admission at the Hampshire museum on presentation of your members card in the app.

Lenses for Hire

A discount on lens hire through the website.


“The annual get together at Abingdon in 2021 was a great opportunity, awesome access and food.”

“These guys hit the mark every time..”

“WOW, apron access to an RAF Sqn disbandment day, money can't buy access. Take a bow Threshold” 

“Didn't think I'd get to eight events, but I have managed it within nine months with ease.”

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